Registration in the University of the Philippines is a very, very stressful thing - especially if your college registrar forgot to tag you as a graduating student.
I experienced the worst of the worst this registration phenomenon since Tuesday. From crying - sobbing, actually - in the Admissions Office because this one darn guy, Allan, took my number just because I went out for five friggin' seconds to look for water, to thinking of just filing a Leave of Absence, to hating my beloved University, and to just crying myself to sleep.
In the Admissions office, I've been waiting for more than two hours in line and I was so faint from thirst, that I went out for a bit to get water from my 'nee. And this Allan guy takes my number and tells me that I should wait for a new number.. I was already sobbing from frustration with this obnoxious guy, and so I talked to the line manager. Point is, NO ONE ever oriented ANYONE that going out of the building is forbidden. Thankfully, the line manager is nice, and so he gave me back my number. I hate that Allan or Allen. Darn him, wherever he may be.
Anyhow, after that, I went to my College Secretary to confirm my diploma for the summer. And Ta-Dah! Another problem found its way into my frustrating life! I'm lacking a grade. One of my professors from 2005 failed to submit my grade to the system. Fortunately, my mom keeps my class cards from my subjects. Whew! On to Enlistement!
As I've said, my College Registrar forgot to tag me as a graduating student... Meaning, I didn't get any priority for the batch runs at the CRS. I only got 6 units: Archaeology 10 and my Major. And so, I needed to go to every department in the University and request for a Prerog.
Around and around the University we, 'nee and I, went. We scoured the whole of AS, Math, NIGS, FC and CS for classes that still have slots. But we found none. Zip.
Six units... and I can't go underload because I'm graduating next semester. I need 15 units desperately! I can't even process my scholarship if I don't get those 15 units.
And I can't to anything but cry from frustration...